As a Maximo consultant I spend many hours on test and development systems developing customizations and testing business processes. This means I frequently login on Maximo Web UI with several users and passwords.
I typically store the passwords in my web browser to speedup the annoying step but today I have found a better trick to directly jump into a Maximo application skipping the login page. This can be done providing the username and password in the URL used to connect to the web UI. Lets make some examples.
- Connect to the Start Center as wilson
- Connect to the Work Order Tracking application as wilson
Just replace the tags in the previous URLs with your hostname, application, username and password.
There is only one drawback with this solution... security. Your admin password will be stored in plain text in your browser's bookmarks and will remain visible in the address bar throughout the session.
See Maximo URLs for more Maximo http shortcuts.Labels: beginner, trick