Introduction to Maximo Integration Framework (MIF)

This entry is part of the Maximo Integration Framework series.

What is Maximo Integration Framework?

The Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) is an integral part of the Tivoli Process Automation Engine (TPAE) that allows the synchronization and integration of data and of applications between TPAE and external systems in real time or batch mode by using a variety of communication protocols.

Main Concepts

The three main concepts of MIF are:

This picture gives an overview of the MIF architecture and of the available services (depicted in green) and channels (depicted in yellow).


The simplest service is the Object Structure Service. It is synchronous and allows to create, update, delete and query data in TPAE's database.

Enterprise Services are more powerful allowing to process data (synchronous or asynchronous using JMS queues) and have data processing layers that can transform data. Enterprise Services can use multiple protocols such as Web Services, HTTP, database tables, XML and flat files.

The enterprise service can use the following processing layers:


There are two main types of outbound services (channels).

Both services provides processing rules, XSL map and user/processing classes to transform data.

For more details about MIF go to the Integration Framework page where you can find guides, tutorials and articles.
Another great overview of the Maximo Integration Framework is this IBM White Paper.

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